The Clark Hubbs Research Award was established in 1986 to support expenses associated with professional development. The award is granted to cover travel and registration expenses associated with presenting results of an original research paper or project at scientific meetings or to support research costs. It is offered annually to graduate students and Professional Associate members with a monetary award up to $500.
Application Instructions
Applications for the award should be submitted by the graduate student or Professional Associate including: 1) contact information; 2) research abstract, including the title of the research presentation or study; 3) name of the meeting where research will be presented or description of research that will be conducted; 4) a letter of support from an academic advisor or supervisor; and 5) a resume or CV. Submissions in MSWord or as pdf documents are required.
Submit nominations to:
Chair: Jerry Ault
Subject: AIFRB Clark Hubbs Award Application
Graduate student (non-members may apply for awards) or Professional Associate members of AIFRB
Accepted submission of a presentation, project, poster, etc. at a scientific meeting (virtual or in-person) OR detailed description of research for which funds would be applied
Applicants may receive two (2) awards in a lifetime
Review Criteria
Three committee members are appointed by AIFRB's President to review and select recipients for the awards. The number of awards varies depending on the annual budget approved by the Board. Review criteria include the following:
Original paper or project of scientific merit
Expenses for travel, meeting registration, research support not paid by outside grants